Practice Perfect, Play Perfect


Whether you're an athlete trying to master your game or someone who wants to improve your skills on the court, perfect practice helps make the perfect play.

Suppose you're going to practice. In that case, you want to make sure that it is time well spent, which means addressing your weaknesses and practicing until mastery to avoid bad habits from forming.

The Science behind Perfect Practice

When you're practicing, focus on perfecting your technique. 

Focus on how well you can make each motion rather than simply doing a series of motions repeatedly. That may mean practicing slowly at first; you aim to eventually make each motion with speed and accuracy. By performing these motions slowly at first, you'll be able to figure out which motions are causing you problems—because they are inaccurate or too fast for you to comfortably repeat them. 

Once that happens, work on those issues until you can practice them quickly and accurately before moving on.

Why You Should Go Beyond Just Practicing

As basketball players, it's easy to focus on practicing our shots. 

This is especially true in late-game situations where we only have time for one or two more possessions and want to get those shots right. However, perfect practice isn't just about practicing perfect shots—it's about putting in work that helps us prepare for any situation. Learning how to use a basketball hoop return or working with a shooting trainer basketball can be just as important as hitting a game-winning shot. 

A great way to do so is by taking your free throws into overtime when there are no other offensive options available.

If you can consistently make free throws with limited attempts, you might use that skill in crunch time. You should also not forget about mastering other skills to up your game using a basketball shot returner.

How Practice Improves Your Play

The fastest way to improve your basketball play is to focus on practicing it perfectly. 

Studies show that you can get better by doing whatever skill-related activity you want over and again. The more precise you are, the faster you'll improve. That means setting a timer and focusing on making the perfect basket during each session.


In basketball, there's nothing more important than practicing perfectly. A trainer will tell you that you can have the world's best athletes, but if they don't practice right, they won't be able to execute on the court.


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