5 Basketball Exercises to Increase Your Kid's Height
When parents want their kids to be taller, they often turn to popular exercises in the United States. This is not a bad idea because it’s true that exercise can help children grow taller. However, there are many other ways for your child to stay healthy and increase their height.
One example of this is playing basketball in basketball shooting machine schools - which may seem like an unlikely way for your kid to grow taller, but research has shown otherwise! In this blog post, you will learn five different basketball exercises and how to do them correctly so you can start increasing your child’s height today and ultimately improve their basketball shooting drills!
How basketball affects the height
Many people think that basketball isn’t a game for shorter kids. However, it’s an excellent way to improve your child’s height because it involves doing many everyday exercises like running, jumping, and learning how to shoot basketball - all activities which will help increase the growth hormone production in their body!
Another way basketball affects the height of kids is by improving their flexibility. Flexibility is a crucial factor in short stature treatment, and your kids can achieve it through different exercises like the ones outlined below:
Exercises and how to do them
Before we begin, make sure you have spoken with your doctor about this routine and that they agree for your child to proceed into doing these activities regularly! You want to avoid any injuries, especially when growing children who need all the help they can get!
Remember, children should do every basketball exercise under supervision from an adult. Each of these will take around 15-20 minutes, depending on how long you spend resting between each exercise, so break up the cycle throughout the day if needed!
1. Calf Stretch
This exercise can be done by standing straight with both hands on one side against a wall or door frame. You should then point the toes towards the ground at about 30 degrees (or until you feel tension). You then take tiny steps forward until you feel pain/tension in your calf muscles before stepping back again into starting position. Repeat this process 15 times each leg for the best results.
2. Reverse Table Pose
This is a great exercise that will help you stretch your hamstrings and lower back. To start this exercise, you must stand up straight with feet together before bending over at the waist while keeping both legs completely straight. It would be best to touch your toes during this process, but do not worry, as it’s more important to feel the tension in these muscles. Hold for 15 seconds before returning yourself upright again into starting position, then repeat another three times.
3. Hanging from a Bar
If you have access to an indoor gym, a basketball training machine, or even a high bar outside, that is perfect for yoga moves such as hanging down towards the floor using no leg momentum! If no bars are available, however, they can also be done by hanging from a tree branch, or if none of those are available, then you can always purchase resistance bands which will be even better than the hanging exercises as they allow for more movement and also provide extra resistance.
There is no right, or wrong way to do these hanging leg raises. Simply hang down with your arms either by your side (easier) or outstretched in front of you (harder). Ensure that you keep both legs completely straight throughout the whole exercise! Then raise one leg off the ground until it reaches hip level before returning down again. Repeat this same process with the other leg, but ensure that each foot touches the floor alternately and make sure both feet stay flat on the floor at all times.
4. Side Stretch
The side stretch is an excellent exercise for any athlete. To perform the side stretch, you need to step one leg out wide and lean away from it, ensuring that your back is completely straight at all times (not bent). Stretch as far as possible, but be careful not to overstretch yourself or pull anything! Keep holding this position before slowly rotating around into the center again, then repeat on the other side.
5. Forward Spine Stretches
The forward stretches are a simple exercise to do. Position yourself so that your feet point towards the front of the room, with your legs shoulder-width apart. Then lean forwards until you can feel a stretch in your spine and hold this position for around 20 seconds before slowly returning to starting position again.
Here are five exercises that can help your child increase their height. If you have a kid, then these will surely come in handy! Share this article with all the parents out there who want to raise tall kids.
We know how it feels when we’re not getting what we want from life, and so do they! Let’s teach them early on about hard work, dedication, and basketball shooting drills. Maybe one day they’ll be able to dunk like LeBron James or Michael Jordan.
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